Thursday, December 6, 2012

Be Thankful and Have Faith

It's more than four months now since we arrived and things have been quite a mix of highs and lows.  Being prepared financially is not the only thing one should be worrying prior to landing.  One must have a lot of guts , plenty of faith and your ego should be left at NAIA.  As of the moment, I'm still jobless.  That's right folks, I'm still living on my savings (how little it may be).  However, in this trying times, I learned to lean on one constant thing.  My faith with God.  He really knows everything and His timing is always perfect.  I'm still waiting for my first job but I know God already knows what it is.  Just do everything you can like online applications, employment agencies, newcomer and employment services, networking and job fairs.  You name it I've done it.  But I never loose hope because I know He will provide.  Be thankful for the opportunit and just have faith in Him. =)

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